Monday, November 18, 2013

Over the weekend....

I got a chance to have the girls play with some more educational websites, so I'll be adding a few to the list on the cool/educational website page. The girls both stayed home from swimming as they weren't feeling so hot, and well, neither was I by Sunday.
Saturday The hubby stopped by and picked up a new area rug for the front room/class room. It's a bit lighter than he thought it was, but it works. We've also made a hard and fast rule, shoes come off as soon as we are inside! We also make sure the dogs paws are REALLY cleaned off before letting him in as well. The old carpet got cut down to a couple of different sizes and is currently under the kitchen table, a part is in the front entry for an area to leave our shoes and a small piece is in the kitchen by the sink in an effort to keep my feet warm when I'm in there.

A couple of other things happened. Like my husband pulling out his musical instruments and playing. I think he's feeling a bit inspired by the girls' music lessons right now :) So the kids got a "show" after dinner.
As you can see the carpet is really light so yes, no shoes on in the house! Not that we were terribly bad about it as we tend to hate shoes anyway.
Also over the weekend this little guy turned 5 months old!
He was making silly faces. He actually has been playing with facial expressions so it's been rather comical around here at times! He's also starting to eat a little bit of solids. Banana's were okay, but carrots are out. In a big way. He was spitting them out rather violently as soon as I tried to put them in his little mouth! He's also very impatient to learn to crawl. He'd rather stand and walk but I keep telling him he'll have to crawl first! We have a rather relaxed week activities wise so a good week to implement some school changes.

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