Thursday, January 30, 2014

Another visit over...

Omi and Opa are on their way to the other side of the country to visit more family before they head back home. The girls get today off and a modified day tomorrow then back into things on Monday.
In the meantime while Omi and Opa  visited:

Kaitlyn got a surprise from Daddy and got to "personalize" her guitar.
She got a couple of cute butterfly stickers to decorate with and she loves them. And it seems no matter how much I try and tell my kids to think "outside the box" someone always ends up inside a box...
At least he was happy about it! Then of course there is always the moment when you ask your kids to watch the youngest for just a minute so you can step out and do something and you come back to this...
Not exactly what I had in mind but if it works, it works.
Then of course Omi always brings some fun projects to work on with the girls. This time is was some drawing templates, making bracelets and a cool shoe box project...

The girls  have already explained they are missing Omi and Opa and are asking when the next visit is! And of course right now it is "to far away!" according to them. Off to get things organized for next week..More rainforest projects, fun experiments with magnets, some fun stories to write and more!

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