I've started training with our local CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) and it's been SUPER interesting!
Here my partner and I are putting out a "small fire" (I'm the one to the far right). We were the first to go last night and I'm happy to say we did NOT become an example of what NOT to do! This was our 4th class, so we are half we to completion with some very interesting classes coming up. The kids are even learning a lot from me taking the class and they are doing great with planning ahead, putting together an emergency 72 hour kit for each of them and discussing evacuation routes out of the house, where to meet up, what if we have to travel out of the area and meet up with Dad somewhere out of town, fire hazards around the house and putting things up! They are also looking forward to being victims on the next "victim day" training. The current crew will get to "rescue" them!
Even if you don't volunteer for the team, the training is free and has been very interesting and eye opening! I highly recommend doing the class (and volunteering for the teams)!
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