Monday, November 28, 2011

Something smells a little fishy here....

Oh, the things you can make with paper plates! The girls said, "mom let's make fish". I looked at this blank paper plate and said "Um, okay". Now being the most UN-crafty person I know I had to think exactly how to do this. After coloring, cutting, glue and glitter this is kind of what I came up with. I used the cut off area's to make the side fin so it does stick up  some from the rest of the "fish" which in real life looks kind of cool. I then let the girls go to town. A few fish, and lots of glue and glitter (mostly on the table) later...
Then I started thinking, Hey, this could make a pretty cool Christmas tree...So I'm working on that now...
As  you can see I only have parts of it done so far, but it's starting to look kind of "neat" as the girls say.  Somedays I do wish I was much craftier! I'll have to look up more "paper plate projects" for the girls on the net.
The girls did a lot of "school" work done today. Practicing their numbers, counting, learning to figure out how to tell what is a reptile, mammal and bird. Did some reading (they read to me), and beginning sounds M and J. All in all a pretty good school day.

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