Welcome to the Tualatin River Wildlife Refuge. Again. We love this place. Great place to take a nice walk with a lot of friends!
By the time we were done Dominic was pretty ready for a break!
The girls and their new friend had a ball and the girls have put their heads together and have planned a lot of playdays for all summer!
We spent almost 3 hours there, more than the 2 hours we were scheduled for! It was a lot of fun and we learned some of the history of the refuge (it used to be a farm) and we looked for wildlife tracks, I bought the girls a birding book and we all had a lot of fun. of course the weather is cloudy and grey today and we have rain for the next couple of days. Then back to nice weather and a couple more fieldtrips. The girls also picked up a grade 3 workbook to start using. most of the math is a review, but there are some other things in there that are new to them so it's a nice combination of old and new. It's an all in one volume (contains language arts, math, some history etc) instead of a one subject book. I figure this will give me a good idea of where to place them in the different areas.
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